What is veterinary hospice?
Veterinary hospice is care for animals, focused on the patients and family’s needs, on living life as fully as possible until the time of death (with or without intervention), and attaining a degree of preparation for death. It is a philosophy of care that respects and values the dignity of the individual pet. It offers supportive care both medical and non-medical. Hospice provides a path toward the end of life that can and should be tailored to meet the needs of the individual pet and family. It allows for a unique relationship between the family and veterinary care team that places the pet in the center of the caregiving circle.
​What is veterinary palliative care?
Palliative care is an extension of hospice and is usually begun earlier in the disease process, when treatment can still help to alleviate symptoms and enhance quality of life. The goal of pet palliative care and hospice is to provide the pet with the opportunity to live until he or she dies and maximizing comfort and quality of life until the time when euthanasia becomes the best and most humane option or the pet dies peacefully before that time arrives.
Palliative care takes many forms. The cornerstone for palliative care involves a complete and thorough diagnosis to effectively address all of the animal’s issues as well as pain management to maximize comfort. An example of palliative care is the support that can be offered to a pet with chronic kidney disease whose kidney failure is progressing and the pet can no longer compensate for the disease. Hospitalization for aggressive intravenous fluid therapy may be inappropriate in this situation because the outcome cannot be changed and the time in the hospital would be time taken away from the pet being able to spend time with it’s family at home. An alternative, non-invasive and relatively simple procedure would be delivering fluids under the skin at home by a family member and this would help sustain whatever kidney function remains. In addition to giving fluids, antacids, anti-nausea medication, supplements/herbs, acupuncture and a kidney-supportive food may be given to maintain overall comfort until quality of life begins to suffer.
Palliative care can be as easy or complex as it needs to be to meet the needs of the patient and human family. Palliative care patients can benefit from massage, therapeutic laser, acupuncture, chiropractic and physical rehabilitation techniques.
It’s impossible to create a one-size-fits all palliative care plan that would benefit every pet. It’s very useful to think in terms of what an individual needs and deserves to feel as well as he or she can feel in spite of whatever medical issues are occurring and contributing to the end of life process.
What types of diseases or conditions that would warrant palliative care or hospice?
These conditions frequently warrant hospice/palliative care:
– Cancer
– Organ Failure (Kidney, Liver, Heart)
– Osteoarthritis
– Cognitive Dysfunction or Dementia
– Senior pets approaching end of life
– Failure to thrive
– Any life limiting condition that is contributing to an excessive burden of caregiving for a family, or treatments/interventions that a pet no longer accepts.
How do I know if hospice is the right decision for me and my beloved pet?
Many pet parents choose hospice care in order to have the time to say goodbye to their companions, to plan for their death, and to ensure that all the decisions about the pet’s needs are guided by their personal view of the pet’s needs. If you have the resources to support comfort care, the time and desire to care for your pet during the last days, weeks, sometimes months of their life and a good support team in place, then hospice care may be the right choice for you and your four legged family member.
What does Serenity Holistic Vet hospice and palliative care plan provide?
We want to provide a personalized end of life care plan for your beloved pet. Dr. Samantha Rose focuses on treating geriatric animals and those with terminal illnesses while in the comfort of your own home. We emphasize on giving pets a safe, caring, intimate end of life experience in their familiar home environment. Our care provides pain control and physical comfort to the pet. We provide educational support and emotional comfort for the family until a natural death occurs or euthanasia is chosen. We will teach the family to care for their pet’s medical and emotional needs at home. This service allows for families to be given extra time to adjust to their pet’s progressive disease and say goodbye in their own way while in the comfort of their own home. Our top priority is to ensure a pet’s death is a gentler, loving and a more intimate experience for both the pet and the pet’s family.
Our service is dedicated to helping you and your pet during this difficult time. Our service provides the following to you and your family:
– Over the phone consultations and in home visits
– Information on disease progression and management
– Daily enrichment plan if needed
– Instructions on how to administer your pet’s medications
– Palliative care
– Guidance on when might be the right time for humane euthanasia
– After-care options
– Pet loss support and resources
Our palliative and hospice care plans are designed to provide your pet with a personalized care plan that is right for them. We want to make your pet’s final days comfortable and enjoyable. Treatments are modified as needed throughout and will include many of the following:
– Pain Management: This may include oral medications, injectable medications, acupuncture, chiropractic, reducing environmental stressors, physical therapy exercises & massage.
– Wound Care: Antibiotics, wound cleaning, managing wounds, education on prevention of wounds.
– Household Modifications: bed placement, floor traction, foot traction, pet door placement, ramps where needed
– Mental Stimulation if needed
– Nutrition: food therapy, supplements, rehydration fluid therapy, vitamins, herbs
Our mobile service avoids the stress that may occur with traditional veterinary visits and provides a family-oriented approach to veterinary hospice and palliative care. Please contact us at 951-758-8365 or serenityvetoffice@gmail.com if you feel your beloved pet may be a candidate for hospice care.